ePlace Solutions, Inc.

ePlace Solutions, Inc.

2035 Corte Del Nogal
Ste. 100
Carlsbad, CA 92011

W http://www.eplaceinc.com

Contact: Robert Krause

E rjkrause@eplaceinc.com

P (559) 261-9295

Company Description

Description of Product or Services you would like to promote in the Association:

ePlace Solutions provides loss prevention services related to WPLI, Cyber, D&O and SML insurance products.

How does your product or service specifically target/benefit Program Administrators:

Program Administrators often need/want to include loss prevention services with insurance products to lower claims and add value.

What differentiates your product from others in the marketplace?

We are the ,most comprehensive service with a proven record of claims prevented.  We have been in business for 22 years.