Program Insurance Advisor

Program Insurance Advisor

2662 Orchard Run SE
Atlanta, GA 30339


Contact: Greg Thompson


P (678) 231-1923

Company Description

Description of Product or Services you would like to promote in the Association:

After 33 years of building and running my own Program Administration operation, THOMCO, I learned what works and doesn’t work. Furthermore, after being acquired by Markel Specialty, I worked with them for 6 years in a variety of  Program capacities. Essentially, my service is to help existing or aspiring Program Administrators achieve outstanding results based on my experience.

How does your product or service specifically target/benefit Program Administrators:

See above.

What differentiates your product from others in the marketplace?

Few, if any, have had the opportunity to make as many mistakes as I have made in Programs!  I believe the hard lessons I have learned can be translated into sound and beneficial advice.