CPL Designations Awarded

May 3, 2023 - The Target Markets Program Administrators Association (TMPAA) recognized five individual members for attaining the Certified Programs Leader (CPL) Designation during the 2023 Mid-Year Meeting in Boston, AZ.

Members recognized for achieving the CPL Designation completed and passed 13 required Target University courses and met program and industry experience expectations set out by the Association. The 2023 Mid-Year CPL recipients are:

  • Lee Boyd
  • Rudy Garcia
  • Jeffrey Marks
  • Benjamin Martinez
  • Chad Wenzelspratt

“My involvement with the University and the CPL Designation continues to be a great honor,” indicated Greg Thompson, TMPAA Past President and Target University Dean. “All of our CPL recipients demonstrate their mastery with the crucial aspects of successful program administration covered in the required coursework and have a solid resume of work in programs. I am proud to be associated with them all.”

Four of the recipients also received a charitable donation to an organization of their choice for completing the Dean Thompson CPL Challenge. Friendship Heart Gallery & Studio, Feed the Children, Saint Philomena School and Marine Toys for Tots were each awarded $1,000 gifts.

The Association’s 2023 Mid-Year Meeting was attended by nearly 975 program business professionals. 

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Pictured L to R: Greg Thompson (Target University Dean), Jeffrey Marks, Lee Boyd, and Benjamin Martinez.