TMPAA Launches New "Buyer's Marketplace"

The Association is proud to announce it’s newest member benefit, the Buyer's Marketplace. This confidential tool is for member's exploring M&A opportunities and other related business ventures.

The Association is proud to announce it’s newest resource for TMPAA members.

The TMPAA Buyer’s Marketplace will post information submitted by members (for a posting fee) that detail the type of purchase and/or program characteristic sought, as well as information about the agency’s culture. The service is envisioned as a key benefit to members seeking merger and acquisition or other business opportunities on a “preferred customer” basis.

The Association will be the online host of the Buyer’s Marketplace but will not participate in any way with the ensuing discussions, exchange of financial data or any resulting transactions which will remain the private business of participating members.

To learn more about joining the Buyer’s Marketplace, including posting fees, please click here.